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Hey Friend,

I’m Carly,

Corporate dropout turned Creative Life Coach (EMCC), Positive Psychology Practitioner (MSc) and published researcher., and as of May 2023 I’m also the owner of a Pet Care Business - so I like to wear lots of hats.

I’m here to help people-pleasing perfectionists like you (yes, you) ditch social expectations and thrive. 

You’ll usually find me armed with some sort of journal and creative tools and a deep desire to talk to you about anything and everything. I myself am a recovering people-pleaser and perfectionist and this is always a work in progress I assure you.

I’ve always been fascinated by psychology and the mind (I studied Criminology & Psychology for my BA Hons), I’ve always wondered why some of us act the way we do. Why are some humans able to create a life they truly love and others of us aren’t.

I realised a lot of this comes down to societal expectations and the ‘roles’ we play as individuals in society.

We are raised to believe (some would say conditioned to believe) that in order to ‘fit in’ we must follow certain norms and expectations.

We must conform and keep everyone around us happy. But what usually happens is through keeping others happy, we don’t end up being happy ourselves. 

We’re taught to believe that focusing on our own happiness makes us selfish and self-centred, but that is simply not true we can do both and I’m devoted to showing you how.


 as cliché as it sounds, life is far too short to spend it doing things that don’t make you happy!


Let’s rewind a little, we’re going to head back to 2019 - the year I realised I was unhappy and something needed to change. 

I was working a job I liked but didn’t love, I was meeting the needs of other people both in work and life, but not meeting mine.

I was unsatisfied and unfulfilled - I was fully immersed on the treadmill of life. Doing the same thing, day in day out, too scared to say no to the people around me and not able or willing to try new things because I was scared of ‘failing’. Sound familiar?

Now as I said, I liked my job and there were areas of it I enjoyed, but it also caused me unnecessary stress and anxiety. I felt a ridiculous sense of pressure to always be getting things right - which of course didn’t help my people-pleasing or perfectionist character traits.


After getting stuck into some personal development work, a lot of soul-searching and a few lightbulb moments. I realised I could in fact take back control and forge my own path in life.

An opportunity arose for me during the Covid-19 pandemic to leave my corporate role and build my life coaching business - and after lots of hard questions, journaling and self-doubt I did something wild and took the leap. I’ve been coaching clients and working with wonderful humans since 2020 and you guessed it, I’m happy and I feel fulfilled on the reg. As cliche as it sounds, my life now has meaning and purpose and I’m thriving!

You were not put on this planet to simply exist, say yes to everything (even when you don’t want to) and not do certain things because your perfectionist tendencies hold you back.

You were put here to LIVE, to THRIVE and to do it all on YOUR terms.

Society tells us that we should be hitting certain ‘milestones’ by certain ages and if we’re not then we’re made to feel as though we’re ‘falling behind’, well I call BS! Everyone is on their own timeline, I want to empower you to embrace yours, to feel confident and believe in yourself enough to own it!


I think it’s an injustice that so many women are living in the shadows of old fashioned social expectations, living by the ‘rules’ of so many ‘shoulds’ instead of living a life designed and created by them.

I ask you this - are you really happy in your life? What would you love to do but are too scared to try? Let me tell you a lil secret - you can do anything you set your mind to and I can help you!



want to know me a bit better?

I love food - all the food, but Italian or Thai are my favs, my all-time favourite film is The Goonies or The Lost Boys or anything from the 80s.

I’m a big fan of animals, my fav are giraffes and also doggos - I now own We Love Pets Horsham a pet care company that looks after all animals from lizards to llamas and everything in between.

Can you tell I’m a bit indecisive - I can’t have just one favourite thing!

I’m an INFJ, Enneagram 2w3 and a Manifestor in Human Design - if you’re thinking what.the.hell, don’t worry we’ll explore all of this when you work with me.

I love to prance around the kitchen to my fav tunes - these change regularly, and I like anything from Mike Oldfield’s Tubular Bells 2 (2 is way better than 1) to Justin Bieber and Linkin Park.

I’m currently located in Sussex in the South East of England but dream to live the digital nomad life one day in the not too distant future.

I love a cheesy quote and will throw them into many of our conversations because although they’re cheesy so many are so accurate.

I have an irrational fear of falling off a curb into oncoming traffic and being run over by a car and also the microwave exploding in my face, I know, I know…

I love any form of creativity - watercolours, cross-stitch, colouring-in, doodling you name it I’ll give it a try. I even have a book that teaches me how to cross-stitch family portraits…



 my qualifications

📃 European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) accreditation- Practitioner Level

🖋 MSc in Applied Positive Psychology & Coaching Psychology - read my research on the power of using journaling alongside coaching here

🖋 Mental Health First Aider

🖋 Certified Mindfulness & Meditation Teacher

🖋 The Academy of Modern Applied Psychology Life Coaching Certificate

🖋 Diploma in Journal Therapy

🖋 Masters & BA Hons Degree in Criminology & Applied Psychology


What my clients are saying