The Lockdown Series - 9 Things I Want to do Once the World Re-opens

3min read


Lockdown has been different for everyone. Dependant on what country you are in, the measures might be different and dependant upon your family life, living status and all the rest then how you have experienced it will differ from person to person. For some, it has been tough and for others, it has been an opportunity to use the extra time for new and/or old things. 

One thing I am sure of though is that we have all missed certain things, whether they be small things we took for granted or big things that we had planned for this time (that we have had to cancel or postpone). So I sat down and had a little think about some of the things that I am looking forward to being able to do once the world does start to open back up again. I hope it inspires some of you to do the same and write a list of the things you’re looking forward to!

1.The obvious - see my family and friends. 

Whether it’s popping in for a quick cuppa, going for a meal out or just a quick hug on the doorstep. Visiting family and friends is, of course, one of the first things I’ll be doing once we are allowed to. 

2. Go on my birthday day out to London with Matt and go for the Brunch we had planned. 

I celebrated my 31st birthday around 5 days after lockdown was officially announced here in the UK. It was an odd one, I won’t lie, but we’re definitely going to make up for it once we can. We had a bottomless brunch and a day out in London planned, so that’ll be one of the first things we re-book.

3. More brunch

One of the things I realised I’ve missed during lockdown is going for brunch. It’s a thing Matt and I love to do, usually, for celebrations or on the odd Saturday we’ll go to a nearby town and find a cute restaurant for Eggs Royale, French toast and all the rest of the brunch-y foods! As a real foody I actually think this is the thing I’ve missed the most, soz familia!


4. Go to Ashdown Forest and go for a long hike!

I live around an hour from the forest that forms the basis for Winnie the Pooh’s Hundred Acre Wood. It is such a lovely place to hike and I cannot wait until we can go there again. 

5. Book some UK AirBnB breaks

This was something I wanted to do a lot of this year anyway as I wasn’t really planning on any big holidays. So once we are allowed to I’m definitely going to be booking up some quirky and cute little AirBnB’s up and down the country.

Road Trip!

6. Plan some travel for 2021 - obvs!

I LOVE to travel, but as mentioned above 2020 is the year to focus on paying off some of our renovation debt and 2021 was always going to be the big holiday year. I hope that can still happen, and as soon as it looks like travel is back on the cards again I will indeed be doing some planning. I Love to plan travel!

7. Stay intentional with my time and actions

Lockdown has taught me to be more intentional with my time and actions and this is something that I want to continue once the world starts to re-open. I want to continue with the things I have enjoyed such as my morning routine and time blocking my days. As well as being more considerate with the ‘things’ I own and not being as frivolous with my buying.

8. Get back to the gym

My gym is a small independent gym, where we have a great community. I’ve been smashing out the garden workouts during lockdown and we’ve got enough kit to keep us busy and (somewhat) fit. But I am looking forward to getting back in there and putting myself through it again. 

9. Drinks in a pub garden

Last but definitely not least, I hope that the world re-opens just in time for a glorious Summer and drinks in a pub garden. The weather has been super kind to us whilst we’ve been stuck at home and luckily I do have a garden I can enjoy it in. But hanging with friends over a Pimm’s or a cheeky wine is something I am very much looking forward to. 

So that’s a summary of the main things I’m excited for when the world starts to re-open and we start to adjust to the new world that we are faced with. I hope I’m able to do the above as they are some of the things that bring me joy. What things bring you joy that you haven’t been able to do for a while? Write yourself a list and get excited, I hope you’ll be able to do them soon!