14 Self-care activity ideas and why it's important

4min read


Self-care is something that so often gets forgotten about but is fundamentally one of the most important activities that us humans should engage in. If we don’t look after ourselves in the correct ways then all hope is lost when it comes to functioning at our best and highest level.

Not only that but if we don’t practice self-care then we enhance the chances of us becoming moody, stressed humans and not particularly nice to be around. Been there, done that, don’t really want to be that person again.

What is self-care?

Put simply, self-care is the act of looking after our physical, emotional and mental health. It can exist in many forms which I will go on to discuss later, but for now, I want to explain what it is and why I hold it in such high regard. 

Self-care is such a simple concept that is very often overlooked. Acts of self-care have been proven to improve our mood and reduce anxiety.

So often we don’t give self-care the time it both requires and deserves, we live such busy and full-on lives that taking some time to look after ourselves just doesn’t seem to be a priority. Although 2020 has been a very interesting and crazy year for many reasons, it has also been great for enabling a lot of us to slow down and start prioritising our self-care. Now that many of us are working from home more, we find ourselves with a bit more time. When we maybe would have been commuting to work, we now have those minutes or hours back to spend doing something more beneficial to our mind, body and spirit.

You service you car

We only have one body, it’s important we take care of it. We take our cars for a service or MOT (in the UK) every year - AND we pay for that, it’s important to note that we can also replace our cars. We can’t replace our bodies, there are so many self-care activities we can enjoy that are free, bear that in mind. I like to remind myself of this analogy when I claim I don’t have enough time to go for a walk or slow down and read my book.

We must make more time for self-care, find out what works for you and put aside some time each day for your activities. There is no one size fits all when it comes to self-care, the activities that I enjoy and make time for, may not be something that you would enjoy. 


Self-care Activity ideas

I have collated a list of different self-care activities to get you thinking, remember it’s about what works for you, and not what you think you should be doing.

1. Get outside in nature
Getting out in nature is a great way to reset and have quiet time.

2. Read
Get cosy with this (It’s Autumn at the time of writing this), light some candles, get yourself a hot drink, snuggle with some blankets and read 'til your heart's content.

3. Treat yourself - spend some money on yourself!
Buy that dress, that cake you’ve seen every time you walk past the bakery. Indulge yourself in some retail therapy. Do more of what makes you feel good

4. Listen to your favourite playlist
Have a dance party, or simply just listen, whatever you feel. Music for me is very emotive and can make me feel all the feels dependant on my mood. This is one of my favs!

5. Have a pamper session (either at home or the spa)
Paint your nails, put on a face mask, moisturise your skin, you get the idea

6. Declutter
For some, having a clear-out can be very therapeutic. Organising your drawers, or throwing out all clothes can be a great form of self-care. It can even make us feel ‘lighter’ emotionally.

7. Eat well
There is something very rewarding about nourishing our bodies with whole foods - non-processed and natural. Of course, having a naughty treat can also be a form of self-care, as long as we maintain that balance and try not to over-indulge.

8. Take a time out
Switch off from social media or any other distractions and spend time with yourself or a loved one. 

9. Meditate
Take some time to slow down and practice meditation. If this is a new activity for you, try using an app like Insight Timer to learn.

10. Journal
Of course, this was going to be on the list. 

Try these 3 prompts:

  1. What self-care activities have I been practising, how can I ensure I carry out more self-care?

  2. How does self-care make me feel?

  3. What tools can I use to shift my mindset when it’s not working for me?

11. Take a nice long bath (or shower if that’s your jam)
Light a candle, and relax, I don’t think I need to say much more

12. Exercise
Whether this is strength training or yoga, whatever suits you, get those endorphins flowing.

13. Sleep
Ensure you are getting enough sleep, whether this comes in the form of your nighttime sleep or naps where required, to function we need enough sleep. Everyone is different and can function on different amounts, work out what your number is.

14. Watch something funny
Laughing is a great form of self-care, whether you chuck on a funny film or binge some funny animal videos, make sure you try to get the giggles in. 

The list is probably endless when it comes to self-care activities, these are just a few to get you thinking. 

I hope you have found this article useful, please do share with friends or loved ones who you think may also benefit from it. 

If you’re not already, come follow me over on Instagram where I share a lot more around mindset, positivity, life coaching and so much more!




I’m Carly, I help people who feel lost, stuck or overwhelmed in life to find their authentic self. Guiding and supporting them to find clarity and direction whilst creating a life they truly love.